Add a swagger documentation on a Play application
The starting point of this post is the need to document an existing REST APIs. I want the documentation to live with my code because I think it’s the only way to have an up-to-date doc. Swagger seems to be a de facto standard. This post is not a tutorial, it’s just to share some issues I faced. So let’s get the party started.
I use PlayFramework and Scala. Thankfully, an integration already exists : play-swagger. Play-swagger relies mainly on annotations. I’m not a big fan of annotations, maybe because they remind me of my long years of Java EE development. Last point, my APIs uses snake case and because swagger-core introspect fields, the default behaviour won’t work as expected.
Tuple serialization
Some of my services returns Tuple
, so I have a custom Writes
implicit val tupleWrites : Writes[(Int, String)] = Writes[(Int, String)] {
case (id, action) =>
"tip_id" -> id,
"action" -> action
Swagger uses the return type of your operation method. It detects ActionAnyContent
, depending on the BodyParser you use, that is never what you want. (I don’t
understand how the erroneous concatenation happens between the type Action
and the type parameter
"responses": {
"200": {
"description": "successful operation",
"schema": {
"$ref": "#/definitions/ActionAnyContent"
So we have to explicitly set the response class with the following annotation :
@ApiOperation(response = classOf[Tuple2[Int, String]])
Due to Java type erasure, swagger will only generate :
"definitions": {
"Tuple2": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"_1": {
"type": "object"
"_2": {
"type": "object"
In fact, play-swagger has no idea how the Tuple is serialized and I came up with a trick to generate the documentation by creating a fake case class.
@ApiModel(value="Tip id and action")
case class TipIdAndAction(
@ApiModelProperty(name="tip_id", required=true) tipId: Id,
@ApiModelProperty(required=true) action: String)
The annotation @ApiModelProperty
is used to specify the name because I use snake case in JSON and
camel case in Scala.
Lastly, this annotation should be added on the action :
@ApiOperation(response = classOf[TipIdAndAction])
In fact, there are some cases where you can have different representation of a model, at least for read and write. For example, a timestamp is forbidden at creation but mandatory during retrieval. It seems impossible to do that with swagger annotations.
And now, I have to maintain the mapping and the case class. It seems boring and error prone. So let’s get rid of the Tuple and use case class instead.
implicit val actionWrites : Writes[TipIdAndAction] = Writes[TipIdAndAction] { ta =>
"tip_id" -> ta.tipId,
"action" -> ta.action
Either I can modify my service to return a TipIdAndAction
or I have to transform a Tuple into a
. At first sight, the last idea seems like the return of the DTO antipattern, a
really bad idea. Nevertheless, I’d prefer that over polluting my domain model with swagger
I can also use JSON Macro
inception and
play-json-naming to avoid writing the Writes
class. Unfortunately, I still need annotations on the case class. So now, all the boilerplate is
just for swagger purpose. Even if Macro Inception is great, beware that a simple renaming of a
property will change the JSON output, so the contract of your API.
implicit val actionWrites : Writes[TipIdAndAction] = JsonNaming.snakecase(Json.writes[TipIdAndAction])
Nested annotation
for @ApiResponses, the syntax mentioned in the swagger doc triggers a compilation issue for an unknown reason (let me know if you know) :
@ApiResponses(value = {
@ApiResponse(code = 400, message = "Invalid ID supplied",
responseHeaders = @ResponseHeader(name = "X-Rack-Cache", description = "Explains whether or not a cache was used", response = Boolean.class)),
@ApiResponse(code = 404, message = "Pet not found") })
Manage HTTP Header
For HTTP Header, like Accept-Language
, you have to copy/paste the following on each operation that
deals with this header.
new ApiImplicitParam(
name = "Accept-Language",
value = "language for the tip in the response",
defaultValue = "en",
required = false,
paramType = "header",
Finally, I still have one question :
Using swagger with Play is a pain. It forces you to break the DRY rule. But it remains better than writing swagger with a tool like Swagger Editor, due to the colocation of the spec with the code. Here are some points of attention :
- Beware of always mentioning an explicit response class
- Don’t use snake case to benefit from swagger automatic generation
- Don’t use Tuples
- Don’t pollute your domain model with annotations