• Rank: 172
  • Language: Scala
  • LOC: 500


After testing some heuristics to pass the first leagues, I started writing the simulation for each mini-game. It’s a pure function (so easily testable) from (State, Action) => State. In my experience, the first crucial step is to develop a well-tested, bug-free simulation.

Once you have that, you can write an evaluation for each mini game. It’s also a pure function from State => Double.

Let’s have a look at my evaluation for each mini game :

  • Hurdle: my position minus the stun timer (because positive when stunned)
  • Archery: the max distance (~29) minus the euclidian distance from the center
  • Roller: my position plus the stun timer when stunned (because negative when stunned)
  • Diving: the number of points

As you can see, those evaluations are pretty straigthforward.

Next, you need a way to combine the results of each mini-game. For each game, I compute a weight that is the inverse of the current number of points for this game. The intuition is to prioritize games that are lagging in terms of medals because the more uniform the scores are, the higher the overall product will be.

Example: if I have 2 gold and 1 silver, my weight is 1 / (2*3 + 1)

Once you have that, you can perform a search to find the best action. I’ve performed a search at depth 6, without simulating the opponents at all.

To perform the search, I leverage the fact that the branching factor is always 4, so you can encode the actions as an int and use it as the index of an array.

At depth 6, you explore 4^6 = 4096 combinations, so the search returns an array of doubles of size 4096.

Mixing some heuristics

last turn

To counterbalance the fact that I don’t simulate my opponents, I’ve used a heuristic. If it’s the last turn for a mini-game, I simulate my opponents and force an action if I can win a gold or silver medal for sure.

For example, I use a high score for all actions that will produce a score stricly greater than the best scores of both my opponents.

the case of diving

Another heuristic at depth 1 is to determine if I am in a situation where, whatever may happen, I’m guaranteed to be first, second or third in the diving game.

unfinished game

Towards the end, if there are not enough turns left to complete a game, the evaluation returns 0 for all actions.

A note on performance

At the top, there are not many players using a garbage-collected language, as it can cause timeouts. I had to make some improvments. I used the combo JMH and JFR to find the hotspots. There is still plenty to do to go further than depth 6.

What did not work

  • normalize the scores of mini-game between 0 and 1 to ensure they all contribute fairly to the overall score.
  • Apply a bigger penalty when stunned in the evaluation
  • Remove the penalty when stunned in the evaluation. the intuition was that the search would handle it.


As always, I had very good time participating in this challenge.

I found it’s a good way to find the right balance between code quality and delivering value:

  • if your code is a mess, you will strugle to test new ideas and you could have some bugs that will make you take bad decisions.
  • if your code is too perfect, as your time is limited, it will reduce the number of iterations

I had the feeling that I miss something to pretend to the very top of the gold league and I look forward to reading the post-mortem of top players.