Understand the essence of the iterator pattern through the example of word count
The starting point is that I’m trying to understand the paper The Essence of the Iterator Pattern. To help my brain, I need to see how these abstract concepts can be useful in a real-world use case. So I’ve decided to code a classic use case : word count. The aim is to count the number of chars, words and lines in a piece of text. The idea is to take the road from the start, hit the wall and appreciate how clever this paper is.
Let’s start with a straightforward solution, that will be enriched step by step.
def wordcount1(s: String) : (Int, Int, Int) = {
val c = s.length
val w = s.split("\\w+").size
val l = s.count(_ == '\n')
(c, w, l)
The drawback is that the text is traversed 3 times.
Let’s implement a solution where the text is traversed only once
def wordcount2(s: String) : (Int, Int, Int) = {
var nonAlpha = true
var c = 0
var w = 0
var l = 0
s.foreach { ch =>
c = c + 1
if (ch == '\n')
l = l + 1
if (ch.isLetterOrDigit && nonAlpha)
w = w + 1
nonAlpha = !ch.isLetterOrDigit
(c, w, l)
It’s a very imperative style, with a big loop that mutate some variables. As you know, mutability is a bad thing. Let’s fix that
def wordcount3(s: String) : (Int, Int, Int) = {
val init = (true, 0, 0, 0)
val (_, c, w, l) = s.foldLeft(init) { case ((prevSpace, c, w, l), ch) =>
c + 1,
w + (if (!isSpace(ch) && prevSpace) 1 else 0),
l + (if (ch == '\n') 1 else 0)
(c, w, l)
It’s better, foldLeft
allow abstracting over the traversal logic. But all the counts are mixed
together which does not respect the single responsibility principle. Let’s separate the concerns.
def wordcount4(s: String) : (Int, Int, Int) = {
val c = s.foldLeft(0) { case (c, _) => c + 1 }
val (_, w) = s.foldLeft((true, 0)) { case ((prevSpace, w), ch) =>
w + (if (!isSpace(ch) && prevSpace) 1 else 0)
val l = s.foldLeft(0) { case (l, ch) =>
l + (if (ch == '\n') 1 else 0)
(c, w, l)
Damned, the problem of traversing 3 times is back ! The power of functional programming is to compose functions. Let’s combine the 3 fold.
def wordcount5(s: String) : (Int, Int, Int) = {
def foldLeft3[A, B, C, D](as: Seq[A])(z1: B, z2: C, z3: D)(op1: (B, A) => B, op2: (C, A) => C, op3: (D, A) => D) : (B, C, D) = {
val z = (z1, z2, z3)
as.foldLeft(z) { case ((acc1, acc2, acc3), a) =>
(op1(acc1, a), op2(acc2, a), op3(acc3, a))
val (c, (_, w), l) = foldLeft3(s)(
(true, 0),
{ case (c, _) => c + 1 },
{ case ((prevSpace, w), ch) =>
w + (if (!isSpace(ch) && prevSpace) 1 else 0)
{ case (l, ch) =>
l + (if (ch == '\n') 1 else 0)
(c, w, l)
As a functional programmer, I really enjoy the way that we can create new combinators from existing
functions. But wait, some more powerful abstractions exist, like Foldable
and Traversable
counting words, because it’s a stateful process) …
def wordcount6(s: String) : (Int, Int, Int) = {
val c = s.toList.foldMap(_ => 1)
val l = s.toList.foldMap(c => if (c == '\n') 1 else 0)
def f(c: Char): IndexedStateT[Eval, Boolean, Boolean, Int] =
for {
x <- get[Boolean]
y = !isSpace(c)
_ <- set(y)
} yield if (y && !x) 1 else 0
val w = s.toList.traverse(f).run(false).value._2.sum
(c, w, l)
We can even merge foldMap together, because if we have a Monoid[A]
, we have for free a
Monoid[(A, A)]
def wordcount7(s: String) : (Int, Int, Int) = {
val (c, l) = s.toList.foldMap(c => (1, if (c == '\n') 1 else 0))
def f(c: Char): IndexedStateT[Eval, Boolean, Boolean, Int] =
for {
x <- get[Boolean]
y = !isSpace(c)
_ <- set(y)
} yield if (y && !x) 1 else 0
val w = s.toList.traverse(f).run(false).value._2.sum
(c, w, l)
Now, we are stuck with 2 traversals.
Hopefully, the paper proposes a solution to go further. There is a nice [write-up] (https://etorreborre.blogspot.fr/2011/06/essence-of-iterator-pattern.html) by Eric Torreborre. Here is below an implementation made by eedesign in its great herding cats series.
def wordcount8(s: String) : (Int, Int, Int) = {
// A type alias to treat Int as semigroupal applicative
type Count[A] = Const[Int, A]
// Tye type parameter to Count is ceremonial, so hardcode it to Unit
def liftInt(i: Int): Count[Unit] = Const(i)
// A simple counter
def count[A](a: A): Count[Unit] = liftInt(1)
val countChar: AppFunc[Count, Char, Unit] = appFunc(count _)
def testIf(b: Boolean): Int = if (b) 1 else 0
// An applicative functor to count each line
val countLine: AppFunc[Count, Char, Unit] =
appFunc { (c: Char) => liftInt(testIf(c == '\n')) }
// To count words, we need to detect transitions from whitespace to non-whitespace.
val countWord =
appFunc { (c: Char) =>
for {
x <- get[Boolean]
y = !isSpace(c)
_ <- set(y)
} yield testIf(y && !x)
} andThen appFunc(liftInt)
val countAll = countWord product countLine product countChar
// Run all applicative functions at once
val allResults = countAll.traverse(data.toList)
val wordCountState = allResults.first.first
val lineCount = allResults.first.second
val charCount = allResults.second
val wordCount = wordCountState.value.runA(false).value
(charCount.getConst, wordCount.getConst,lineCount.getConst)
The main points are :
- each monoid can be transformed to an applicative functor
- as monoidal functions (
A => M[B]
) can be composed (it’sKleisli
), applicative function also have an interesting composition.
We’ve seen many ways to solve the same problem. Functional programming offers powerful abstraction to decouple things and allow composing small parts together to build complex systems. So it’s worth spending some time to understand those concepts in order to write better programs.